This book is pretty old. written in 2001, talking about more than 10 years ago! However, I find there is no change of requirement in terms on Network Security for IP Carrier.
(1.2.4) Network Security
- Make the components of the network secure from attack --- this is done by ensuring that only idenified management systems have access to the management interfaces of network components; there may be capabilities which equipment vendors put in certain items of network equipment to make them easier to manage in a secure enterprise environment, but which are not suitable for an insecure public Internet environment -- these capabilities must therefore be turned off. (now so-called call port security and back door)
- detecting an attack --- heuristic methods can be used to determine the differences betweeh the legitimate attempts by network management people to access equipment, and those by attackers; similarly heuristic methodes can be used to determine if equipment is being attacked, by scrutiny of appropriate logs of the equipment's activities. (now so-called threat detection, like anti-DDoS)
- knowing your own vulnerabilities --- network equipment can be checked by security-checking software to test for vulnerabilities; network operators should also ensure that their equipment vendors notify them of bugs that might affect security (we now call vulnerabilities assessment)
- Controlling management access rights carefully --- as a network might be attacked by an insider, it is importment not to grant access rights to everybody in network operations, but only sufficient rights to each individual to enablve that person to perform their identified role; it is also important that, as individuals change jobs or leave network operations, their management rights are changed or revoked in a timely manner. (now so-called segragation of duty)
- Shutting-off attackers --- has plans to deal with attackers, eg. by ensuring that an attacker can be cut-off to prevent them doing any more damage; this may require co-ordination with other networks or agencies (now so-called clean pipe)
- undoing an attacker's damage -- configuration management systems are required that can restore the network configuration in the event that the attackers has managed to change the configuration (now so-called configuration management)
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